Adaptive - Juniors 16-23yr - Masters 40+ - Strongman - Strongwoman

October 19th

Varsity Morley

For the third year WASM is bringing you The Strength Challenge this time at Varsity Morley. This is your premier static strongman competition of the year, bringing together the strongest athletes from Western Australia.

This event is designed to test your raw power, endurance, and mental toughness across three gruelling static events.





It's not just a competition; it's a celebration of strength, community, and the relentless pursuit to rise to the challenge and become the best there is.


Entry fee: $55 *shirt included



Only 13 spots available, registration is first-come, first-served. Once we sell out, we sell out!

You DON’T want to miss out on this incredible opportunity to showcase your strength and join a community of Strongmen and Strongwomen.

Registered Strongwoman Athletes!!

**This Updates Daily**

Registered Strongman Athletes!!

**This Updates Daily**





    The ultimate test of overhead strength and one of strongman’s most recognisable events. Each lifter will have 3 attempts to secure their best individual lift for the day.

    - The lifter has 3* attempts to achieve a max weight. 2.5kg minimum increment increase on each attempt. *4th attempts may be permitted for record purposes along with 1kg weight increases.

    -There is a 60 second time limit to complete the lift.

    -Athlete may press, push press, push jerk or split jerk the log overhead to the locked out position.

    -Athlete must wait for the “down” signal before lowering the log.

    -The athlete must lower the log under control. No deliberate dropping of the log from overhead will be permitted. The athlete may forfeit his attempt in doing so.

    -Good Lift= Log locked out under control overhead with arms straight, head through, legs and feet parallel and stationary.

    -Equipment allowed: Belt, chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves.

    -Equipment NOT allowed: Any item placed within the belt to provide a “shelf”. Belt tongue may not protrude so as to create a shelf. Tacky, elbow wraps and lifting straps.

    - * Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judges prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.

    -The log cannot rest on top of the athletes head to press.

    -Competitors Note: the size log will compete in is based off the weight the press.

    8” Log 20kg-45kg-

    10” Log 45-75kg

    12” Log 75kg and up

  • Event Description and Rules:

    The ultimate test of raw static strength. How much weight can 1 man or woman lift from the floor. Max deadlift under strongman rules with a competition deadlift bar and plates of steel.

    - The deadlift will be performed using a Deadlift Bar.

    - Wrist straps and figure eight and nine straps can be used

    - Hitching is allowed

    - Deadlift suits are allowed

    - Chalk and talc can be used

    - The competitor will have 60 seconds to complete the lift once the bar is called as "ready"

    - The competitor can attempt to lift the bar multiple times in the 60 seconds

    - 3 attempts can be nominated to achieve your max deadlift. 4th attempts may only be permitted for record purposes.

    - Once the knees, hips and shoulders are locked out and upright, the down call will be given

    - The bar must be lowered to the ground not dropped

    - The minimum weight increase on each attempt is 2.5kg

    - Records can be broken by 1kg. Full records for each weight division will be announced in the coming weeks.

  • Rules and Description:

    One of the most iconic strongman events! The competitors must lift and load over the crossbar with 3 attempts to achieve a maximum weight.

    - There is a 60 second time limit per attempt

    - Atlas stones will be loaded over a 1.2m bar

    - Each competitor will have 3 attempts

    - You can choose the weight of your stone for each attempt based on the stone selection we have. They go up in 10kg increments from 20kg-200kg maybe someone will give us a reason to get bigger stones this year :P

    - You cannot decrease your attempt weight you can only increase for each attempt.

    - Tacky is allowed

    - Grip shirts and tacky towels ARE allowed

    - Knee sleeves, elbow sleeves and forearm sleeves ARE allowed

    - Soft belts ARE allowed

    - Leather buckle belts are permitted ONLY if the buckle is on the back of the body and not in contact with the stones.



Masters Men (40+) Masters Women (40+)

Open Open

U105kg U82kg

U90kg U73kg

U80kg U64kg

Juniors men (U16-U23yr) Juniors women (U16-U23yr)

*Juniors must be with in age range at the date of competition


 All competitors in the Mens U105kg, U90kg, U80kg and Womens U82kg, U73kg, U64kg divisions are required to do a 24 hour weigh in. Mens Open (over105kg) and Womens Open (over 82kg) along with Juniors and masters are NOT required to weigh in.

Weigh in available at the following location & times;

Weigh-in information:
Location: Franks Gym Perth - 22 Teddington rd, Burswood, Perth
Time : 6am- 12am
Date: Friday 18th of October
*Remote weigh-ins are available upon request*

Contact WASM via email for more information.

Entry fee: $55 (This includes a free WASM shirt too!!!)